Friday, September 25, 2009

(Query/400 Tutorial) Getting Started With Query/400

Getting started with Query/400
You can access Query in a variety of ways. To use Query, you can do any of the following:
- Use the Work With Query (WRKQRY) command by typing WRKQRY and pressing the Enter key. This
causes the Work with Queries display to appear.
-Select option 3 (Decision support) on the Office Tasks (OFCTSK) menu. From the Decision Support display, select option 2 (Query). This causes the Query menu to appear.
- Select option 8 (Decision support) on the Office menu. From the Decision Support display, select option 2 (Query). This causes the Query menu to appear.
- Use the Start Query (STRQRY) command by typing STRQRY and pressing the Enter key. This causes the Query menu to appear. Typing GO QUERY and pressing the Enter key has the same effect.
- While using OfficeVision, press F17 on the edit display and then select option 1 (Query). This causes the Work with Queries display to appear.
- While using the DisplayWrite 4 program, press the control key and F6 on the edit display. Select option 2 (Get query file option). This is explained in detail in the DisplayWrite 4 or DisplayWrite 5 help information. This causes the Work with Queries display to appear.

From the Query menu, you can choose to work with queries, run a query, delete a query, work with files, or do an office-related task.

From the Work with Queries display you can:
- Create, change, copy, delete, display, print, or run a query if you came from the Query menu or the WRKQRY command.
- Create,change, copy, delete, or display a query definition, or you can do direct merge, column list merge, or multicopy merge if you came from OfficeVision.
- Create, change, copy, delete, or display a query definition, or you can do direct merge if you came from the DisplayWrite 4 or DisplayWrite 5 program.

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