Monday, July 13, 2009

(AS/400 For Dummies) OS/400


- AS/400's operating system. It is designed to cater multi-user and multi programming machine. It allows simultaneous program execution and program processing. The importance of understanding this will be helpful later in the course.

OS/400 Functions:

a) Programming
-Different programming utilities are available for developers. Such utilities are as follows: Source Entry Utility (SEU), Screen Design Aid (SDA), Report Layout Utility (RLU), Data File Utility (DFU), Query Utilities, Structured Query Language (SQL), etc. These utilities are very helpful in creating programs.

b) Data Management
-OS/400 offers data file maintenance. It allows both physical files and logical files data management.

d) Spooling Functions
-The OS also comes with printing queue functions, this is very important in a multi-user environment.

e) Work Management
-It allow administrators to manage job within the system. It's also very helpful in resources allocation and maintenance.

f) Security Functions
-OS/400 contains numerous access control features that makes AS/400 a very secured machine.

Common OS/400 Object Types:

1) Libray (*LIB)
-Libraries are logical spaces that holds objects. This is the place where you place your files, programs, out queues, job queues, etc. If you will compare it to PC it's like a directory. But unlike "directories", libraries can not contain another library whithin itself.

2) File (*FILE)
-Files are the ones holding the data, either permanent or temporary data. It can be one of the following; Physical File, Logical File, Display File, Printer File, Source Physical File, etc.

3) Program (*PGM)
-Executable programs. It is the object produced after compiling you program source.

OS/400 Commands:

OS/400 command is consist of command name and parameters. Command name is the instruction on what the user wants to do. Parameters are the details of the command operation.

Command names are in a simple VERB/NOUN construction, the the verb usually contains 3 character.
1) DLT is for Delete Function
2) CHG is for Change Function
3) RNM is for Rename Function

Noun defines the object you want to access.
1) F is for File
2) PF is for Physical File
3) OBJ is for Object.

Let's try to issue a command using the VERB and NOUNE combination.
a) To delete a file the command name should be: DLTF
b) To transfor object from one library to another the command name should be: MOVOBJ
c) To rename an obect the command name should be: RNMOBJ

To supply parameters, simply type the command name in the command line then press "F4" key, OS/400 will prompt user for required parameters.

You Might Also Want To Visit The Following Tutorial Posts:
AS/400 For Dummies
AS/400 Tutorial
SQL/400 Tutorial
Query/400 Tutorial

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