Thursday, July 2, 2009

(FAQ) Difference Between SKIPA/SPACEA and SKIPB/SPACEB

SKIPA (Skip After) keyword in printer files
Use this file-, record-, or field-level keyword to specify that the printer device is to skip to a specific line number after it prints one or more lines. The format of the keyword is: SKIPA(skip-after-line-number)

SPACEA (Space After) keyword in printer files
Use this record- or field-level keyword to specify that the printer device is to space some number of lines after it prints one or more lines. The format of the keyword is: SPACEA(space-after-value)

SKIPB (Skip Before) keyword in printer files
Use this file-, record-, or field-level keyword to specify that the printer device is to skip to a specific line number before it prints the next line(s). The format of the keyword is: SKIPB(skip-before-line-number)

SPACEB (Space Before) keyword in printer files
Use this record- or field-level keyword to specify that the printer device is to space some number of lines before it prints the next line or lines. The format of the keyword is: SPACEB(space-before-value)

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